The Israel Africa Chamber of Commerce held a gala evening on the occasion of 25 years in which the Chamber has been promoting trade relations between Israel and Africa. The celebratory ball that included dinner and performances was held at Cassiopia in Herzliya Pituach in the presence of ambassadors and representatives from African countries, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Economy, exporters, academics and tourism. Among those present: Gil Hashakal, Head of the Department for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Niso Bezalel, President of the Chamber, Dr. Ayala Whitner, Director General of the Bureau, Adib Baruch, Chairman of the Export Institute. Gideon Bacher, Head of the Africa Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, spoke at the event, who noted the importance in the strengthening of relations between Israel and Africa in recent years. On behalf of the ambassadors, Rwandan Ambassador to Israel Joseph Rotabana spoke, who noted the added value and contribution of the Chamber to the strengthening of trade between Africa and Israel.